
Giving. Your Way.

At the the Minnesota Jewish Community Foundation (MN JCF), we bring together people who are committed to building a better world through tikkun olamHowever you want to "repair the world," we partner with you to give through a Jewish lens and connect you with causes and organizations that embody your values.


To make tributes or donations in memory of someone to a MN JCF fund, please check the box below the amount section. A card or email will be sent to the person being honored or the family of the person in whose memory a gift is being made.

Your Donation

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Email information

Please spell check, include how you would like your name(s) signed, mention the amount if desired, and format your message as you would like it delivered.
Payment Details

Please spell check, include how you would like your name(s) signed, mention the amount if desired, and format your message as you would like it delivered.
Donate to a fund

See list of funds here (not all funds are listed publicly)
Your Information

Payment Details

Donation Notes

Minnesota Jewish Community Foundation, LLC is recognized as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your contribution qualifies for a tax deduction within the limits set by U.S. law. Please keep your donation receipt, which will be sent to you via email upon successful completion of your donation, as it is your official record to claim this donation as a tax deduction. It's important to note that the specific tax deductions you receive depend on your individual tax situation, so seeking guidance from a tax professional is advisable.