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Welcome to the Camp Scholarship Application. For an overview of the camp process, including a timeline and guidelines, please visit the camp page on our website.

For any questions, please contact Judie Rothschild:

Round One has reached its limit and has closed. 
Round two is still open and will accept applications through March 3rd.
Part: A Camper Information

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Part: B Household information

Guardian Two

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MJF scholarships are awarded to attend one Jewish summer camp of the camper’s choice. The scholarship may cover multiple sessions (for example, two different sessions of the same day camp).

Camp One - Other camp information

Eligible camps must have a valid email address and be based in the continental United States.

Do not include registration fees, transportation fees, other camp expenses, etc.

Please list the names of the other Jewish camps this camper will be attending or respond "No" if they will not be attending any other camps.

So that we have a full financial picture, what is the total camp tuition for ALL NON-Jewish camps?

If none requested, enter "0".
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JFCS Scholarship 
Jewish Family and Children's Service of Minneapolis (JFCS)* MJF partners with JFCS on scholarship applications. By selecting yes, you are giving MJF permission to share this application with JFCS and you understand that JFCS has different eligibility requirements than MJF for camp scholarships. By selecting no, you are indicating that you are not requesting funding from JFCS.

Any questions for JFCS please contact:

This includes MJF, JFCS, your synagogue, camp and any other sources. Do not exceed the total amount of tuition.
JFCS Scholarship 
JFCS scholarships are awarded to more than one Jewish summer camp. If you are applying to more than one camp, please complete this section. 

JFCS will consider scholarships for camps one and two, if applicable.

Identify which camps you would like to have JFCS consider for scholarship(s). If you are not requesting funding from JFCS, please choose "none"' from the list below.*

If none requested, enter "0".
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Please indicate your type of tax return by clicking on the drop down menu. Please note that you do NOT need to upload your tax form.

Please indicate your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI), as stated your most recent Federal Income Tax Return. Your AGI is located on line 11 on IRS Form 1040.

To provide us with a better understanding of your request for financial assistance, please provide a brief narrative to explain your family need to apply for a camp scholarship. For instance, if you anticipate a significant change in your annual income for the last year or two, please indicate in the space above.
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The following questions are entirely optional. They help us better understand the diversity and needs in our community.

Check any that apply

Please specify your synagogue, if not listed above.

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You are at the end of the application.

Once submitted, you will receive an email confirming that your application has been received.